Already for two weeks Danilo walks. He still reminds on robot, but is managing to find his way through!
Vec dvije nedelje Danilo hoda! Kao robot doduse, ali mu to ne smeta da prevali odgovarajucu distancu!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Paznja fotografija dole je jedina sansa da se vide 3 mlijecna zubica!
The photo below is unique chance to see 3 Danilo's milky teeth!
The photo below is unique chance to see 3 Danilo's milky teeth!
Rodjendan Birthday
U utorak 7. novembra Danilo je napunio 1 godinu. Novost za roditelje je da voli slatko. Ali kako se to desilo?
On 7th November Danilo became 1 year old. Litte chatter box prove he likes sweets. But how did this happen?
Evo kako: Prvo smo napravili brodice pune slatkisa kao cast u obdanistu. Kako je Danilo zavrsio sa dva poluprazna broda kada se vratio kuci i meni i Grejemu je ostala tajna...
This is how it all started: First we made little ships full with candies as a treat to kids in kindergarden. How did Danilo ended up bringing home two halfempty ships remains secret to both Graeme and me.
On 7th November Danilo became 1 year old. Litte chatter box prove he likes sweets. But how did this happen?

This is how it all started: First we made little ships full with candies as a treat to kids in kindergarden. How did Danilo ended up bringing home two halfempty ships remains secret to both Graeme and me.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Wedding on Kreta
Sve je pocelo u divnoj kuci u seocetu Anopolis u brdima na Kreti gdje su se gosti okupili i... Juznoafrikanci otkupise Jelenu za preko 160 evra i jos su bili sigurni da su jeftino prosli. Kad samo pomislim ko mi je kriv pa izabrah Skota.....
It all started in a house in a small village Anopolis, where we gathered and South Australians bought Jelena for over 160 Euro. They thought they got a bargain.... ;-D

Vjencanje je bilo u Crkvi u Anopolisu. Mladenci su bili posipani ruzama. Mlada je kao sto prilici (i da se vidjeti sa slika) izgledala fantasticno!
Mark and Jelena married in church in Anopolis. The girls threw roses on them. Bride was very beautiful as one can see from photos.

Danilo je uzivao, i u crkvi i u igri i u jelu ali najvise u ispitivanju muzicke opreme.
Danilo enjoyed everything: wedding, dancing, food, but most of all exploring the musical equipment.

Usluga je bila par excellence a mlada nije prestajala da plese cijelo vrijeme.
The service was par excellence and bride didn't stop dancing!

Uskoro nove fotografije sa 2 vjencanja i jednog rodjendana.
Soon new photo's from 2 weddings and one birthday celebration!
Soon new photo's from 2 weddings and one birthday celebration!
Monday, November 06, 2006
more 2006
Biti na moru sa malom bebom je fantasticno iskustvo. Putovanje u kolima je malo naporno, ali ako se dobro organizuje uz ceste pauze (na suncu i uz osmjeh) moze daleko da se stigne:

Na vrh planine,
U dno pecine...
I dok tata spasava poruke u boci, mali Danilo se igra u pjesku sa mamom.
Ili sa drustvom....
Ili obilazimo gradove i prelazimo preko stijenja.....
To be on the sea shore with the little baby is fantastic experience. Traveling with a car is exhausting but with a little bit of organisation and a lots of breaks on sun and with a smile one can go as far as:
The top of the mountain...
Or the bottom of a cave...
And while dady is saving the message in the bottle, little Danilo is playin in a sand with his mother....
Or with some friends....
Or we visit cities or run over some rocks....

I dok tata spasava poruke u boci, mali Danilo se igra u pjesku sa mamom.
Ili sa drustvom....
Ili obilazimo gradove i prelazimo preko stijenja.....
To be on the sea shore with the little baby is fantastic experience. Traveling with a car is exhausting but with a little bit of organisation and a lots of breaks on sun and with a smile one can go as far as:
The top of the mountain...
Or the bottom of a cave...
And while dady is saving the message in the bottle, little Danilo is playin in a sand with his mother....
Or with some friends....
Or we visit cities or run over some rocks....
Seaside 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Omiljene igracke - favourites
Omiljene igracke su mu mikrotalasna i daljinski sto se i vidi iz prilozenog
Mala pricalica
Tata ga zove chatter box - neprestano prica i drzi lekcije: svako jutro od devet do deset ja odslusam pomno sta Danilo ima novo da me nauci.

His father calls him a chatter box - he talks continuously and lectures us. Every morning from 9-10 h I have to sit and listen carefully to what Danilo has new to teach me this day.

His father calls him a chatter box - he talks continuously and lectures us. Every morning from 9-10 h I have to sit and listen carefully to what Danilo has new to teach me this day.
Sudden development

Danilo je u dva mjeseca propuzao, poceo da stoji, ponavlja neke rijeci na srpskom i da shvata komplikovane zavrzlame i rjesava slagalice.
Danilo developed a lot in last two months. He started crawling, but also standing, he repeats some words he hears (mainly serbian) , and he started solving complicated puzzles.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
A kako se uci prirodoslovija? Na primer, prva stvar koju beba nauci u Holandiji je da razlikuje Pekinsku patku od Domace patke!
And how does baby learn geography? For instance, in the Netherlands baby first learn how to differ Peking duck from Domestic one!
And how does baby learn geography? For instance, in the Netherlands baby first learn how to differ Peking duck from Domestic one!
social contacts
After a while

Iako vec dugo nisam obnavljala ovaj blog u Danilovom zivotu se desilo puno stvari. Na primer Danilo vec nekoliko meseci sedi. Pa uz pomoc laktova i ruku uspeva i da se postavi u sedeci polozaj. A ovih dana pokusava i da puzi, ali ce mu za to trebati jos par sedmica. A klopa? Pa da li neko sumnja?
Eventhough I haven' renewed this blog for a while, Danilo developed by the definition and encountered planty of new events. For instance he is already sitting for couple of months. Than he is managing to put himself in the sitting position by means of ebows and arms. He is trying to crawl but for that he will need couple of weeks more. And eating? Is there any doubt?
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Samo da se zna!

Na pregledu sa cetiri mjeseca ustanovljeno je da je Danilo porastao za dodatna 3 ipo cm i time pokazao da se trudi da poraste svim silama. Samo da se zna Danilo bas i nije mala beba.
Danilo grew up additional 3.5 cm. That has been revealed on the regular check up in the 4th month. He proved that he does his job thoroughly. Just for the record, Danilo is not exactly short baby.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Book - Knjiga
Mala deca gledaju sta stariji rade, pa pokusavaju da ih oponasaju. Mali Danilo se ozbiljno zalozio da nesto novo nauci pa je uzeo da cita knjigu.
Koja se ucinila jako interesantna.
Ubrzo je shvatio da takva literatura nije za njega i odlucio da se zanima necim sto prilici deci
I ta literatura je zaista za decu. Mali princ, pa jos na cirilici - prava razonoda!
Kids usually observe what their parents do and try to imitate. Little Danilo decided to learn something new and started reading a book. Which seamed very interesting. After a while he decided that this is too heavy literature for a little kid and took something more appropriate.
And this seemed really appropriate. "Little Prince" and in Cyrillics!!!

Koja se ucinila jako interesantna.

Ubrzo je shvatio da takva literatura nije za njega i odlucio da se zanima necim sto prilici deci

And this seemed really appropriate. "Little Prince" and in Cyrillics!!!
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